October 21, 2011

Money Aint A Thang!

Sorry for the lack of comments on your blogs! I am in DC at Blogalicious with just my IPad! And I am not that savvy so pretty difficult to leave comments. Back to the regular scheduled program....

I have been in search for Peyton some cute knee boots for Fall/Winter.

How Fabulous are these quilted Prada boots!  For a mere $295 Peyton can rock these for about 3 months!  I keep my boots for 3 + years and I don't know if I would pay $300!

What is your price limit for boots for You or you child?


  1. Right now I spend under a $100.00 for my sons boots.

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  2. I will splurge and spend 100-120 for Uggs but that is where I draw the line. (for my kids not me:)

  3. I don't have a child yet but for myself the most I have spent to date was around $250 however that was an impulse purchase. If I can wait for it to go on sale, all the better. I still want to make it to that consignment store you went to for a good deal on luxury ♥

  4. I don't even know how to post photos with my i-pad so you are one up-ing me already!!! Ya $300 for three months sounds like a perfect idea!! lol!! Enjoy Dc girl!! :)

  5. $80 is my limit for myself. $30 is the limit for my little one.

  6. Yep, I'm pretty sure the most expensive shoes I own are a pair of boots that I splurged $150 on...and they are on year #2...but dang it if those prada boots aren't *FAB*! Have a great weekend!

  7. Just got Lady C some Uggs for under $100 - thank goodness for friends with discounts. I won't spend over $100 for her and don't want to come close either. She is still growing out of shoes every 3-6 months.

    Me - Highest I have gone is $500 but ... it was for charity!!! *don't judge me* LOL

  8. we don't spend any more than 40 on little man shoes. He's not even two - so he won't be rocking any 300 boots anytime soon! :) PS - can't wait to hear about Blogalicious! Enjoy!!!

  9. The most I've spent on boots for her is $30. I wouldn't mind splurging when she finally stays in the same size for at least a year, lol!

  10. They are presh...don't know what I would spend that money on myself...let along the little ones, but I can see the temptation!


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