November 2, 2012

Pink Ladies: Our Halloween Costumes

Happy Friday!  I have been running like a mad women getting ready for the Kids Fashion Show for the CBWW that is this Saturday!  I pray these kids don't get scared and refuse to walk!  Even if they don't they are going to look super cute : ).  I wanted to share some pics from Halloween.  Peyton was a Pink Lady (from Grease if you don't remember).

I dressed up as a Greaser guy!  I looked a hot mess!  Not sure if folks got it but it was kinda funny!

Peyton and the Pink Ladies gang!

How was you Halloween?  What did you or your kids dress up as?

Sending thoughts and prayers to everyone on the east coast recovering from Sandy!


  1. She was so cute!! We dressed up my daughter as a football player, LOL! It was really funny!

  2. Omg tooooo cute!!! I love it!
    P.S. I cant believe they make leggings in her size! LOL!!! That is so funny to me, for some reason. I bet they look so small in person holding them up.

  3. Awwwwww, Peyton is so adorable. I love her costume. Seriously she's killin that Pink ladies costume. Go Peyton!

  4. This is so completely *darling*!!! Peyton is for sure the ringleader here (c; She got it to a T, as usual!!

  5. hahahaha check Peyton out. She is so funny!

  6. Omg!! Peyton looks adorable in her outfit :)

    With Love,

  7. Peyton rocked it. She's such a little darling. You're a cute greaser.

  8. Peyton is precious! My daughter (11 years old) was a pink lady this year too! I loved this costume!

  9. How freakin' cute! What an adorable costume.

  10. Oh my goodness...this is quite possibly one of the cutest things ever!! Adorable!

  11. Love this! Peyton was too cute :o) I was a Pink Lady back in college. I used to rock the jacket even after halloween! LOL

  12. That's so great!!! Love costumes that take some thinking out of the box.

  13. can i ask where you got that jacket?? I've been searching everywhere!


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