January 30, 2014

Weight Loss Chronicles: Egg White Muffins

I posted my egg white muffins on Instagram last week and you guys requested more details so here you go.  A friend of mine turned me onto “egg” muffins a long time ago.  Egg white muffins are the most delicious, low-fat on the go breakfast.  My Weight Watchers Simple Start sponsored campaign is over but I'm still using Weight Watchers and I thought I would still share some of the foods that I have been eating.  No, I'm not trying to be a food blogger.  Y'all know I don't like to cook. 
For my egg white muffins, I didn't do any measuring.  I just used one carton of egg whites and added my ingredients.  If you fill your muffin cups and still have some left, I suggest using a loaf pan or saving it until you can use your muffin pan again.  Technically my muffins are zero points on Weight Watchers and no carbs.  Depending on what you add to your egg muffins your points could vary.
I added my ingredients and scrambled them up.  I sprayed the muffin tin with non-stick spray.  I filled the tins almost full.  Once I filled the pan, I mixed each cup again to evenly distribute the peppers and cheese.  I baked them for about 30 minutes on 400 for about 25-30 minutes.  I let them cool off and them bagged them up in two's and refrigerated them.  They don't take long to reheat, so I suggest starting at 30 to 45 seconds in the microwave and checking on them.
Seriously, I can eat two (or four) of these.  Who would have thought you could bake eggs?  Unfortunately Peyton doesn't care for them.  If you want the full blown recipe click HERE.  Have you made egg muffins before?

*This is not a sponsored post. 


  1. Yours look great. I love these. They are a great healthy option for breakfast or even lunch or dinner. Thanks for sharing.

  2. The perfect on the go breakfast I am going to give these a try!

  3. Great post - I love making these!


  4. I haven't tried these but they look delicious!! Madison doesn't eat eggs, that's ok more for me! :)

  5. These look delicious. I have to try them. I have baked breakfast muffins before, lots of recipes on Pinterest. You may find one that Peyton likes.

  6. I love making those! SO simple and delicious. Have you ever tried Fresh n Fit Cuisine? It's based out of Atlanta, it's a meal delivery service (I swear I am not affiliated with them!). Being all the way in NC I have to have mine FedEx'd in but the added expense is totally worth it. With you being such an awesome blogger maybe they would send you a week or two free to try out?

  7. These look good. I never heard of baked eggs until we went to a dinner that made Omelets that way. It was so full and fluffy. I might give this one a try.

  8. These look delish! I usually add spinach and mushroons to mine. ( I may make some this weekend.)

  9. I make these pretty much every week, and have yet to tire of them. So delicious, and so many ways to change up the recipe! Keep up the good work!


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